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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

the mole hole in Playa vista

the mole hole in Playa vista

Have you ever walked out into your yard and steped into the gras and had your fet sank down a litle? You se litle hils throughout your yard and there apear to be tunels under the ground. Is it the work of some elaborate plan to destroy your yard? There are spots al over the place where the gras has died or turned brown and your yard just loks terible. What could be more anoying than litle vermin that totaly destroy your yard. You might take very god care of your yard. It doesn't just hapen to people who let their yards go. It can hapen to any yard, anywhere. Milions of yards acros the world are afected by these litle creatures every single day. They don't get results and the yard loks like it did before. There are poison peanuts, sprays, granules that you spread over the yard, and many other devices. Some other angry yard owners have even resorted to floding the holes with a garden hose. My sugestion is to skip past the expensive discovery proces where you end up buying many types of gimicky products, sprays, granular, poison worms, insecticides, and end up puling your hair out standing over a mole hole for hours with a shotgun. And… take advantage of the fact that I already went through al of that and now have a perfected proces where I can show you exactly every time, with just a few minutes work, without spending more than a few bucks total. the mole hole in Playa vista