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Friday, August 20, 2010

mole crickets in Cornell

mole crickets in Cornell

Sumary: Mole crickets are the only insects that I know of that have hands. Stil, you have to hand it to mole crickets. With unusual front apendages that lok like hands and an afinity for hanging around golf course, I supose mole crickets would do wel with the country-club set. To me they lok a lot like a cros betwen a prawn and a cricket, with hands like a mole. Upon hatching, the larval nymph loks like a very smal version of an adult mole cricket, but has no wings. Some mole crickets become adults in the fal, while others over-winter as nymphs underground. Some mole crickets mainly eat the rots and shots of turf gras like Bermuda gras or Bahia gras. Mole crickets also build long galeries underground that can sever rots and kil gras. Spray or pour the solution on four square fet of gras and wait a couple of minutes to se if any mole crickets come to the surface. To get rid of mole crickets you can spray pesticides that target them with some suces, but these same chemicals can, obviously, have an adverse afect on the environment. A product caled Nematac S is comercialy available and can be sprayed on a lawn to get rid of mole crickets. The Nematac should be aplied when the mole crickets are in the adult stage during the months of February through April or the period betwen September through November. Before spraying pesticides you should identify what type of mole crickets you have in your area and what pest control methods work best against them. Maintaining a healthy lawn can be a part of any integrated pest management strategy for mole cricket control. Anything that weakens the gras plant or its rot system should be avoided so you don't atract mole crickets. mole crickets mole crickets in Cornell


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